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The Search is on for the A4DE originals from 1978

The Australian Four Day Enduro (A4DE) are on the hunt for anyone who rode in the original Four Day in 1978. These riders are invited to attend the event either to ride a modified course suitable to their age, to just ride in the Demonstration Laps at the final Day 4 moto or to simply be there to help honour the man who started it all, John Hall, the “Father of Enduro” in Australia.

Any of the original 78’ers seeking further information can contact Deeds Raymond,

Below is a list of riders being searched for, if you know any of them, then please pass on this information.

Allen               A

Baker             J

Barraclough  B

Bedford          R

Bekel              R

Bell                 K

Black              H

Boaden          W

Bootama        N

Booth             P

Bowen           K

Broadhurst    P

Burgess         C

Burrows         M

Busby             W

Carroll           M

Chapman      M

Chapman      B

Cotterel          S

Csanyi           E

Cunynghame A

Curley           G

Dance            B

David             J

Dixon             G

Dlugon           H

Downes         C

Drakeford      P

Eckert             W

Egan              G

Falconer        P

Featon           G

Felton             H

Feteringham M

Gibson           J

Goddard        N

Hannama      M

Herwig           R

Hill                  L

Hogan           K

Hoggon         B

Holliday         T

Jay                  R

Jordon           P

Juzva             S

Keating          G

Kelleher         B

Lapinskas     V

Littlewood     R

Lock               D

Lovett             P

Luis                P

Lyons             D

Maggs            C

Malden          G

McDonald     D

McInnes         M

Moore             S

Negoescu     J

Olholm           G

Olholm           P

Paine             N

Pasons          B

Payne             P

Pepperell      H

Pitts                V

Poldman        A

Power             L

Price               P

Riley               M

Roberts          P

Robinson      T

Rogers           R

Rooney          L

Rooney          B

Scatterood    C

Scott               R

Smith              T

Smith              G

Smith             L

Steinhardt     I

Stokes            W

Sullivan         W

Sullivan         N

Tainton          M

Telling            P

Thomas         R

Thompson     P

Tierney          P

Tregonning   C

Tregonning   R

Udy                 G

Van-Praag    C

Varley             N

Veitch             G

Watson          J

Watts              G

Watts              N

Waugh           D

Wearne          K

Weldon          A

West               M

Wham             R

Williamson    A

Wilson            S

Woodham     G

Worral           P